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Research Paper Topics Related To The Holocaust
Saturday, August 22, 2020
King Kong (1933) An Analysis Essay Example
Lord Kong (1933): An Analysis Paper The high contrast rendition of King Kong, made in 1933, is a regular Hollywood film. All parts of the film have trademark Hollywood components in them. The accompanying sections will see an explanation of this attestation. From multiple points of view this is a historic film. It set a trend for all the ensuing spine chiller/awfulness/movement films that have been made in Hollywood. It would not be an embellishment to express that in every single resulting film of these classes, hints of King Kong could be found. Relatively few individuals today would be energized at the possibility of review this 1933 release. The explanation being, they have just observed parts of King Kong in numerous motion pictures that the curiosity totally gets away from the psyche. Is this a judgment on the genuine value of the film? The appropriate response is in the negative. The main legitimate route in assessing the specialized and creative benefits of the film is by thinking about the overarching advances accessible at the hour of creation. For this situation, King Kong ought to be set with regards to the accessible advancements of 1930s. For instance, Willis O’Brien’s stop-movement activity was a wonderful ac complishment at that point. So is the skilful execution of the main woman Fay Wray (Stringer, p.409). We will compose a custom exposition test on King Kong (1933): An Analysis explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on King Kong (1933): An Analysis explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on King Kong (1933): An Analysis explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The movement work of Willis O’Brien got exceptional appreciation. Eight years sooner, O’Brien had filled in as Special Effects Animator in the film adjustment of Arthur Conan Doyle’s â€Å"The Lost World†. Given that the Hollywood in 1925 was in a phase of innovative incipience, adds legitimacy to O’Brien’s work. In spite of the fact that King Kong is legitimately viewed as a noteworthy film, it followed a pattern of movies that included gigantic brutes. Whatever films paving the way to King Kong would be â€Å"Jazz Monkey†, â€Å"Chang†, Monkey Stuff†, â€Å"Prohibition Monkey†, and obviously â€Å"The last world†. Every one of these motion pictures aside from the keep going one developed the â€Å"Apes in Jungles†subject. The Last World delineated ancient existence of dinosaurs. A few pundits call attention to that King Kong has similarities to the exemplary tale â€Å"Beauty and the Beast†( McGowan-Hartmann, 2006). The reasonable depiction of a gorilla like beast can be ascribed to the film-makers’ foundations. Both Merian Cooper’s and Ernest Schoedsack’s past work encounters included reporting chimps in their normal natural surroundings. The change from real narrative creation to experience repulsiveness dream more likely than not been trying for both these men. Looking back, their achievement in beating these immersed difficulties had contributed massively to the film business around the world. The screenplay by James Creelman and Ruth Rose was loaded with splendor also (Vaz, p.73). The RKO Studio, which created the film in 1933, was in a sharp corner monetarily. So the spending plan for King Kong was kept to the absolute minimum. Because of some premonition, arranging and effective utilization of accessible assets, the movie producers had the option to deliver this perfect work of art. For instance, the shooting was planned for such a way, that the kindhearted climatic states of spring and summer seasons could be utilized for most extreme favorable position. At the point when obliged by the low financial plan, Merian Cooper and Edgar Wallace chose to re-utilize the set worked for the creation of â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†the earlier year. Coincidentally, â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†was itself a major achievement. However, King Kong figured out how to out-score this film in budgetary returns (Vaz, p.73). The one part of King Kong that saw a lot of development was its cinematography. For instance, back projection, sham little models of characters, and other cameral stunts that were received during the creation of this film were to become standard systems in the film business. Regardless of such progressive developments, King Kong didn't get even a solitary Academy Award selection. The class where it would have cleared all prizes was â€Å"Special Effects†. Since there was no different â€Å"Special Effects†office during the 1930s, this pined for acknowledgment sidestepped King Kong. Additionally, the consistent portrayal of brutality in the film and the well known praise that it got might have influenced the choice of individuals from the Academy (Stringer, p.409). In the film, the character named Denham (who plays an infamous producer) neglects to discover a star entertainer to acknowledge the job of the main woman. His offers were declined as a result of the flighty idea of the content †it appeared to be nobody needed to hazard their vocations. This circumstance was trying Denham’s persistence and equalization. At this crossroads, his eyes get seeing a poor and hopeless young lady in one of the New York roads. Unkempt she may have been, yet her fundamental excellence was undeniable. He chooses without further ado that she (played by Fay Wray) would be the main woman in his film. He persuades the young lady this is an uncommon and rewarding chance to accomplish well known acknowledgment and acclaim. The young lady agrees. There are numerous an exemplary Hollywood topical components in this area of the story †â€Å"a chance encounter†, â€Å"journey from indefinite quality to fame†, â€Å"rags to riches†, à ¢â‚¬Å"the American Dream†, and so on. (Grover, 2005). Investigating further, increasingly great topical pieces could be revealed. For instance, when First Mate Driscoll meets Ann (Fay Wray) in the deck, he creates compassion for her. This could be deciphered as a minor departure from â€Å"Damsel in Distress†situation. First Mate Driscoll, a hard and intense shipman, progresses within the sight of a helpless and unreliable lady (McGowan-Hartmann, 2006). This situation also is happened in various other Hollywood creations. Damon Young sees the sentiment in the film from an alternate point of view: â€Å"The topic of taming womanliness as that which restrains and fixes the male subject through the power of its visual attractive quality is vital to the film’s story economy†¦.Insofar as Kong works as a substitute for the manly sense of self unconstrained by progress, the film organizes the female intensity of allure as a danger: Kong is obliterated by his adoration for Ann.†(Young, Damon) The executive keeps up a component of anticipation and secret during the courageous journey to an island, whose occupants are not known to the outside world. Most importantly, Denham, on whose arranges the boat is run, doesn't uncover any data in regards to their goal when the boat departs shore. He at long last chooses to brief his team individuals from their approaching intriguing experience. Indeed, even by then there were a larger number of inquiries than answers. The group just had an unclear origination of their undertaking. The chief isn't simply keeping his group individuals in a condition of vulnerability and tension, yet additionally the crowd (Grover, 2005). Motion pictures in the frightfulness class abuse this part of human brain research quite well. This is a tried and true procedure utilized in account specialties of different kinds †books, plays, motion pictures, and so forth., to keep the crowd snared to the story. Once more, this is exemplary Hollywood. The acco unt method, which was powerful in stimulating crowd intrigue discovered fluctuated articulation in Alfred Hitchcock motion pictures decades later (McGowan-Hartmann, 2006). The second 50% of the film is a feature of visual advancements. The scene where King Kong would mount the Empire State working with his woman love close by was stunningly made. Here, the goliath mammoth takes on a variety of military aircraft. The utilization of smaller than normal models in showing up at a genuine enhanced visualization was flawless to such an extent that it would get away from our notification (Stringer, p.409) The film has come to characterize Hollywood creations since it leaves space for different understandings. This quality is show in every single exemplary gem and King Kong is no exemption. The film can be grouped under various sorts. It is a sentimental, experience, loathsomeness, sci-fi, political film. The last modifier is very fascinating, on the grounds that this specific portrayal isn't striking or self-evident. It is political to the degree that it delineates American colonialist inclinations through the treatment distributed to the local clans of the island. It is likewise political in that the film making demeanor showed by Denham is simply industrialist †heartlessly business and in this way obtuse. This uncaring enslavement is forced on his own team individuals and the local clans. From various perspectives Denham’s character was so run of the mill of the Studio managers of the 1930s and 1940s. Since Capitalism and Imperialism are both inalienable characteristics of every single Hollywood creation, we can reason that King Kong embodies the Classic Hollywood creation. (Stringer, p.410)
Friday, August 21, 2020
Developing Of Evidence Based Practice Project
The nursing calling as per American Academy of Nurse Practitioners uncovers a harmoniously normal connection between the quantity of medical attendants to that of patients and comparable relationship refered to in the quantity of hour’s nurses’ practice. For the most part the issue is one of human asset the executives against a foundation of yield for this situation patients’ result. At the end of the day the issue lies in the relationship between nurture staffing and patients’ result. Lower enrollment of medical caretakers staffing can legitimately be ascribed to bring down paces of patients’ result. Result here alludes to the patients’ response to clinical consideration offered by nurses.â The issue fundamentally spins around poor working conditions for nurses.â These issues change from long extra time hours, a discourteously enormous number of patients to nurture proportions prompting work overloads.â The scholastic degree of the medical caretakers also presents direct effect on the out happen to patients. The individual and expert interests recognizable in this issue incorporate the dissemination of attendant abilities and experience.â A direct harmonious relationship exists between the expert aptitudes of medical caretakers and the patient reaction to clinical attention.â The more talented the medical caretakers the more positive or attractive the patients react to clinical consideration and care. Other than the abilities of the attendant, experience positioned as a high factor in deciding the patient reaction to clinical care.â The scholastic capability is likewise an individual and expert issue that stances direct importance to the issue in question.â As said before, the more prepared one is scholastically in the nursing calling decides the result of patients directly.â Finally in the issue of expert and individual issues influencing the training issue is the extent or brief and full-time nurture hours. An immediate relationship exists between the full-time and fleeting medical attendant hours.â This is the issue of work security.â The transient hour nurture being without Job security has direct effect on the patient outcome.â as it were, a medical attendant without security of employment will have a lower pace of patient outcome.â On the other hand a full-time nurture stands a superior chance to examine the two his/her patients and the idea of their intricacies. The standard proposals for the training rules incorporate expanding attendant staffing in hospitals.â Location of obliging number of hours to the medical caretakers to empower them think of a recommendable patient outcome.â Recognize different components that can influence the result of interests’ particularly clinical based care.â Other rules incorporate the state of other projects.â Potential regions of study could change from clinical consideration quiet attributes and association of nursing units just as staff.â Patient levels investigation should group better control matters, for example, co-dismalness. Recommendable to as a rule is the appropriation of progressive models that could control both nursing and institutional degree of effects.â The rules ought to likewise consider contemplates which for all intents and purposes and experimentally addresses a particular medical caretaker staffing policies.â The investigation ought to likewise incorporate the consistency of the relationship between nurture staffing persistent result and monetary results. Taking everything into account the issue of attendants staffing has a few components of approach all of which can prompt better patient outcomes.â The issue spins around the quantity of hours, the length of a working day for an attendant, expertise level, scholarly capability and perpetual quality of the contract.â The answer for this issue must be found in acceptable practices in human asset organization in clinical circles.â A fitting number of working hours and an impressive number of patients per each medical caretaker for good patient results. Reference Kane, R., Shamliyan, T., Mueller, C., Duval, S., and Wilt, T. (2007).Evidence Report/Technology Assessment. Minnesota. Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center.                       Â
Thursday, July 2, 2020
I’m going to write
I’m going to write a story for the duration of the time that I have to do something before they get home. IN order to express all the things that go through my mind I would have to write a novel of some sort. On which topic I do not know; yet there are so many, and at the moment all of that is irrelevant and all that I desire is to write. I am going to start with things that I will not imagine at this moment, but will roll off of the tongue like butter, with imaginative innovations that I do not control, but what I’ve come to agree as an external part of myself that creates imagination; that is the controller of all creative processes not associated with my awareness. It is this consciousness that controls only a part of me, and I it. But there are times of which I am dumbfounded at how an intelligence so divine will manifest in some expression of mine, of which I do not own, for I am the creator of nothing but myself. And I was created by the environment, therefore exp ressing the natural paradox. One of many, I’ve come to see. There are times in all of our lives I presume, which we come to see some sort of reason to our existence. Pushing forward the future generation and youth, and no longer progressing ourselves, but digressing. We are no longer aware of it; only that we are more focused on other people then ourselves, and on the recognition of all we’ve done. We lose our faith in ourselves, and down the hill we go. Into oblivion. But not all of us seem to think that way. In existence, there is this subtlety that resigns itself mostly to our needs in hunger and all of which combines itself into an everlasting snowball of unhappiness in â€Å"3rd World†countries. Whereas, in â€Å"1st World†countries, all of which consists of their relevance is an intense desire to live forever in a world in which over-population is a major issue. Especially in the United States of America. This intense desire to live greatly affect s those around us, broadcasting simple messages to our children; making them want to be older while we, ourselves, want to be young again. It isn’t the idea that we’re unaware that we’re old. But it is the extreme difference in the two contrasting stress levels of people whom drive to work every day in a thousand mile long line of similar, manufactured metal boxes; reflecting sunlight into the eyes of those whom sleep little only because o f the so-called beautiful drug Coffee; and those whom, in third world countries mostly, hate our way of life, and would much like to choose their own simplistic, minimalistic style of living. Without all our grocery lists and baggage claiming. An interesting catch on our perspective in a nation. Being that we have become the greatest country in the world because of our equal progressive movement. Everyone wants to have money, therefore looks for some form of slavery as a job. It is the intelligence that rules a nation of our o wn. Where schooling is quite a possibility for most students now. In the underclass society people seem not to care so much for society in general, the government, and especially education. Which is quite ironic, because all of which they hate grows from lack of education. We live in a society that supplies education for free! Yet, looking at the non-adaptive nature of our consequence; which has manifested in the characteristics of every nation around the world, we insists on compulsory schooling for the solution to our problems in a system that supports the forcing of a circle-nature through a metal box. The liberalistic perspective certainly comes â€Å"in-hand†though, in a financial perspective; supplying the very society that despises education-the lower class- with money in order to live in an existence supported by those of whom will never be met by the undertakers. The unbalance in this equal society is complex and illusory when an intelligent individual realizes that the result of every choice in the past by everyone has inevitably led up to this. The strange notion that some giant man is standing before a throne in fitted jeans and a robe is quite preposterous. The law, of course, was designed to benefit all of whom it governed, and was written under the pretenses that we, having lived in a natural society since the day we became, have extracted the values we’ve come from quite normally, and will, ourselves, never control the nature that we have came from. Therefore we must create a governing society, with prerequisites in charge; balanced, and checked into equality. But with the introduction of the television, there have been some major changes in the American culture to this day.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Role of Media in the Society Essay - 1050 Words
The Role of Media in the Society Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people and leisure. In ancient times when there was no newspapers and television, people used literature as source of information, some books like the Iliad, and different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives and our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV and reading newspapers. Therere a lot of different types of information sources, all of them are specific and dedicated for†¦show more content†¦There are two types of newspapers - Broadsheets and Tabloids. Broadsheet newspapers are targeted at those who like more realistic approaches to news. Their articles focus more on including political and foreign items. However their publication is less popular than the tabloids. Tabloid newspape rs are aimed at people who are just expecting amusement from newspaper. Although they do cover some news, they tend to contain more gossip, personality issues, shorter articles and more pictures than text. Moreover they often refuse and neglect the idea of publishing political and foreign news. Also the newspapers are mostly bias in their view on what happened. For example in our country 90 percent of newspapers are belong to government or to some rich people who still depends on government, so most of them are writing those things that are good for government. As for me I like broadsheets more because there are only useful facts and no silly stories and pictures. In such country like Kazakhstan where, like I said before most of the media are controlling by the government, we need to spend our time and to read a lot of different newspapers so we can get full information from different points of view, I like newspapers which are belong to opposition parties. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The International War On Drugs - 976 Words
The answer is quite simple: the international war on drugs has been all but successful. Regardless how overwhelming the combative forces against illegal drug trade may be, the combination of a non-authoritative state with powerful and wealthy organized crime syndicates result in overall weak state efficacy. This rise in drug trafficking, along with an increase in local drug production and consumption, is a major challenge in the pursuit of peace, stability and security. The current drug situations in Africa reveal the weak capacities of African state. Only in late January did Ghana’s Vice-President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur launch the West Africa Commission on Drugs. The commission plans to examine the different ways of combating drug trafficking – by extension its effects. As valiant as the state intentions may be, these actions have been enforced much too late. Because the proliferation of drug trafficking was a result of the limited education and unemployment of the African people, illegal drug use and drug trafficking has, unfortunately, become an ingrained part of people’s lives. More specifically, the lack of employment opportunities and reliable income have essentially channeled Africa’s youth towards involvement in the drug trade and drug use itself. Even when taken out of an African backdrop, any desperate person could, potentially, turn to drug use, as drugs offer a means of escaping the harsh realities of everyday life. Narcotics chemically-induce the feeling ofShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The War On Drugs1356 Words  | 6 PagesRachael Radvansky Sociology 101 War on Drugs February 28, 2017 The War on Drugs can be a very controversial topic to different people around the world. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I fully respect that. 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Essay about Four Leaves Bakery
Question: Write an essay on "Four Leaves Bakery, Singapore". Answer: Introduction The current essay revolves around trends of management. Management is a technique of designing and maintaining in which people work together in a group to achieve the desired goals and objectives. In addition, management is consisting of some activities directed to an organizations resources with a purpose of accomplishing organizational goals and objectives in an efficient manner. To remain competitive in the market, it is important for the marketers to develop the marketing strategies as frequent as possible and to watch on the changing market trends. The essay starts with an overview of the organization Four Leaves Bakery, Singapore. Likewise, the essay carries forward with the external and competitive analysis of the organization. A set of recommendations has also been provided to tackle the potential marketing challenges. At the end of the essay, a comprehensive conclusion has been provided, which summarizes the whole essay. 1. Background of the organization Since 1981, Four Leaves Bakery has been running its operation in Singapore. The company has currently become one of the leading chain bakeries in Singapore. Besides, the bakery operation, the organization is also involved in the operation of St.Leaven, Peck, and Splash n Decker. Further, the organization deals with two different subsidiaries in Kuala Lumpur and Penaga of Malaysia. The aim of the Four Leaves Bakery is to provide innovative as well as quality bakery products to its customers (Four Leaves Pte Ltd 2016). Thus, the major policy of the organization is to bring in Japanese technical experts to develop new products and maintain stringent quality in service. Figure 1: Logo of the organization In order to bring in more customers and increase sales, the organization is focused on developing the quality of products. Each of the products is handmade by its bakers using healthy and finest ingredients. The best quality of products and aggressive marketing strategies of Four Leaves Bakery has put the competitors in the apprehension of remaining competitive in the market. 2. PESTLE analysis Political and legal Less number of riots, strikes, and political unrest Stable Political environment Trade laws protecting the business Positive influence of anti-corruption law Flawless judicial system The political environment in Singapore is supportive. The organization gains this opportunity to develop their business. In addition, from different trade laws and relevant judicial system, the marketers receive backup from the government bodies. The organization Four Leaves Bakery being based in Singapore is an advantage since there is stability in the political environment of the country. As mentioned by Dobbs (2014), a business becomes healthy and competitive when it is situated in the politically stable country, where there is less number of riots, strikes, and political unrest. It is observed that Singapore has several trade laws that are protecting the business. Four Leaves Bakery takes the advantages of such stable political environment and develops its business considering the standard of living Figure 2: PESTLE analysis of the organization Economical SARS outbreak in the year 2003 hit the global economy Long-term decline in the economy Downturn in the economy is affecting the business. . However, in the future, because of the annual inflation as well as increased costs of goods, it is prudent for Four Leaves Bakery predicts its demands in the coming years. On the other side, the SARS outbreak in the year 2003 hit the global economy, which has resulted in poor retails sales. The retails sales in Singapore have taken a dip up to 45% since the outbreak because of the considerable decline in the local demand. Socio-cultural Factors High standard of living More health conscious people Four Leaves is in the rush of developing a high quality of products considering the standard of living of people in Singapore. They need to add organic ingredients in products. The socio-cultural factors indicate that the organizations in the confectionary industry tend to maintain the business protocol, which directly influences the business. The people of Singapore has a high standard of living; this, particular factor influences the operation of Four Leaves Bakery. Technological Factors Highly Developed technology Technology decreases the cost of production Increases productivity The developed technology plays an important role in increasing production. In addition, cost of production is less. The increasing development of technology is highly beneficial for the companies in the field of marketing and production (Hacklin Wallnfer, 2012). With the help of developed technology, Four Leaves Bakery produces the products within a short time. Environmental The businesses are largely dependent on environment Plenty of natural resources Opportunities for business The business environment in Singapore is quite healthy. There are multiple opportunities for expanding the existing business. In addition, it has also been identified that The Ministry of Environmental and Anti-Pollution Unit works on maintain the air quality and environmental issues. Thus, Four Leaves has to follow the environmental policies as it has the factories where the products are manufactured. Moreover, the country has lost about 30% of its mangrove area. Thus, the government has put regulations on trading that should be strictly followed by the organizations. Further, Four Leaves Bakery opts to communicate and be inter-dependent largely on the environment. This indicates the Four Leaves Bakery is much determined to achieve prosperity; thus, they could benefit from the opportunity and resources. In addition, it is also observed that the judicial systems of Singapore have become one of the fairest in Asia. Thus, the business in Singapore receives governments assistances. 3. Porters Five Forces analysis Threats of new entrants-LOW Food processing industry deal with the large and competitive operation Long-term operation of Four Leaves to boost the sales New comers find it difficult to deal with competitive environment Threats of Substitute products-HIGH Four Leaves has variety of similar products High level of competition Bargaining power of suppliers- HIGH Effective relationship with suppliers around the world because of its intensive buying power The organization is always focused on stringent and well-built business relation to developing the ongoing quality of products better Bargaining power of customer-HIGH The competitors are selling the products at competitive price. Customers have multiple choices Competitive forces-MEDIUM The level of competition is poor Major competitor is Bread Talk Aggressive marketing strategies of compeitors Discussion: Many organizations get into the market each year with a purpose of gaining profits. However, Four Leaves Bakery has been around for decades in Singapore and boasts a long history of high quality products. This helps the organization to gain a substantial share of the market. From the items of bread to fruits based cakes, it has the array of similar products that could compete directly or indirectly with Four Leaves Bakery. Especially, several organizations in the confectionary industry in Asia usually provide similar types of products like Four Leaves. As mentioned by Saren et al. (2012), the bargaining power of suppliers is one of the important factors that need to be considered in confection industry since these are a major strength of the organization. Furthermore, Four Leaves also presents useful guidance to their suppliers in knowing how to work more effectively to minimize the redundant costs. Therefore, the organization cares for their suppliers that in return pay them off in the type of high quality product. However, despite many substitute products and the existences of competitors; the customers of Four Leaves Bakery have an influential choice, however, due to the high quality of products, the company created an increased influence among the customers. In addition, the competitors such as Bread Talk provide varieties of products. Figure 3: Porters Five Forces analysis Nevertheless, it is necessary for the organization to identify the power of the customers and their requirements. Thus, the customers can be satisfied with the quality of products and services. The organization Four Leaves Bakery is known to have a strong position in the confectionary industry; however, some of the major competitors exist in the industry like Bread Talk. The competitors such as Bread Talk are competing to get one each other and ignore the kind of competition. However, the level of competition is still there (Morgan, 2012). In this context, Hinkelmann Kempthorne (2012) added that the competition is aggressive in the confectionary industry; this is the advantages for the consumers. 4. Providing a set of strategic recommendations to deal with marketing issues The synthesis of literature review helps to learn that organization Four Leaves has acquired a competitive position in the market. With its strategy of providing a high quality of products and services, Four Leaves Bakery throws a stringent challenge to towards its competitors. However, certain issues such as high bargaining power of customers and suppliers, the threat of substitute products have been identified from the external environmental analysis. Thus, in order to gain competitive advantage from the market and acquire the position in the market, it is necessary for the organization to implement some strategies such as Porters generics strategy. There have been certain aspects that are associated with Porters generic strategy. These aspects are such as Cost leadership, Differentiation, and Focus strategy. Figure 4: Porters Generic Strategy Cost leadership- While applying cost leadership strategy, the organization needs to become the low cost producer in the confectionary industry. By applying vertical integration, Four Leaves Bakery may consider buying over dairy and wheat farms to help keep the cost of raw materials as low as possible. Hence, this strategy is making it possible for the consumer to benefit, while still generating profit. Differentiation strategy- A differentiation strategy is usually called for a product or service that has a unique characteristic that is valued by the consumers. Thus, to deal with the high bargaining power of customers in the market, Four Leaves Bakery needs to pay attention to other contributing factors besides its products. In terms of retail shop decoration, product packaging, service staff attitude, this will all contribute to overall customer satisfaction. Four Leaves Bakery may consider a bright green clover motif prominently displayed at all their retail outlets, matching clover packaging for their cakes and buns, and conduct giveaway activities on weekends. For example, clover balloons given free with purchase to customers with children. Focus strategy- Niche market/Focus strategy Creating a niche market for the elites, customizing wedding cakes or cakes for special occasions like baby showers, graduation. For example, edible gold flakes as one of the ingredients to be used to glamorize any customized cake design. Mobile app recommendation- by creating a personalized mobile app for four leaves bakery, this enables customers to instantly chat with the customer service staff on their customized order, encourage customer loyalty by creating a points and loyalty rewards system. 5. Conclusion On the completion of the essay, it can be mentioned that organization Four Leaves Bakery has held a competitive position in the market due its long operation on the planet. The external analysis helps to learn that Four Leaves has gained a significant position in the market due to some factors like stable political environment, governments association, trade laws, technological advancement. However, the organization is dealing with some issues such as aggressive strategies of competitors, the downturn in the economy. No doubt, Four Leaves has built itself as the largest organization today, nevertheless, if Four Leaves were to keep on with its conventional business techniques, it may not be long before it may be surpassed. The organization should constantly innovate and keep a close on the market trends and its competitors to remain competitive in the market. In addition, the organization needs to pay more attention to their environmental strategies. It is comprehensible for an organi zation as large as Four Leaves, it is probably difficult to meet and satisfy the requirements of stakeholders because of the large scale of shipping and production of materials involved. The continuous influence of economical and environmental factors could damage the operation of the organization in the existing market. On the other side, the competitor Bread Talk is a threat for the company. The prices of Bread Talks products are quite similar to Four Leave Bakery. Thus, the organization needs to focus on these particular aspects for an effective operation in future. References Andoh-Baidoo, F. K., Babb, J. S., Agyepong, L. (2012). e-Government readiness in Ghana: a SWOT and PEST analyses.Electronic Government, an International Journal,9(4), 403-419. Cakes | Four Leaves Pte Ltd. (2016). Retrieved 3 June 2016, from Chang, W. Y., Lantz, V. A., Hennigar, C. R., MacLean, D. A. (2012). 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Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Martial Arts Essays - Neijia, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong,
Martial Arts To most martial arts is about the hard-style, external arts such as Karate and Maui Thai. Tai Chi Chuan however, developed out of Taoist ideology and the concept of universal balance. Primarily it was committed to physical fitness and spiritual progress, but over time, the monks needed protection against growing warlords and thugs and so, the external aspect of Tai Chi Chuan evolved and an usual mixture of a healing art, exercise and meditation developed. A teacher taught his students, The man who does not seek to struggle with others will find that others are not able to struggle with him. Think if still water. You push it, and, yielding, it finds its original place. You cannot hit anything if there is nothing to hit. Tai Chi Chuan originally developed out of Tai Chi, a similar concept that began around 2000 BC partly influenced by yoga. In China, yoga came to be developed into what is called Saolin chuan (chuan, means boxing). Around 13th AD Chang Seng Feng developed what is known as Tai Chi. Different families studied Tai Chi and developed their own unique styles giving them different names. Tai Chi styles practiced today came from the Chen family. Yang studied the Chen style and modified it to form the Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan, which is the style commonly practiced today. Tai Chi Chuan is part of a larger concept, Taoism. The Tao means the Way or a Path. According to Tao-te Ching, the core Taoist texts, the feeling of being one with the Way can only be experienced and not just known. One must coordinate all the body, the brain, the breathing to realize the feeling of being connected to everything. In Tai Chi Chuan, movement with meditation is done with the purpose of realizing connectivity by feeling in tune with the omnipotent force Chi, or in Japanese, Zen. Chi is everything everywhere; we are all a part of it and so, are connected to each other. Once in tune with Chi, one must apply those principles in daily life to be one with the Tao. The Taoist philosophy of Yin and Yang, soft and hard or the opposites arises from the Taoist belief that humans view the world in terms of opposites, right or wrong, dislike or like. And those beliefs are changing all the time, if a person we dislike does something nice, then we start liking them. We fail to realize that something is just is. FSU is good and bad. It might not be as good as Harvard, but when compared to a University from a third world country, it is quite good. However, for us, it is one or the other and this prevents us from realizing and incorporating the Tao. We have to be empty of such preconceived notions in order to be one with Chi, to comprehend the true nature of things. Emptiness of the mind leads to understanding of the only constant, change. It allows for constantly changing thought processes and a constant sense of inquiry needed to understand that life is a matter of change and If you try to make yourself secure at all costs in life then you cling either the Yin or the Yang. Any fixed idea, when it conflicts with what we call the flow of life, is bound to lead to a loss of balance. It is related to what the early psychologists called a complex. The ability to manipulate thought strengthens one's concentration is referred in martial arts as centering one's mind and the idea is central to Tai Chi Chuan as it allows for change, correction and healing. Poetry
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